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Kind Words From Our Community of Support

Rachel ReevesRachel Reeves
00:11 18 Nov 21
I’ve been part of LTP for a couple of years! The love and understanding that we carry in our message to all is AWESOME! There is nothing like watching someone find hope and transform by loving others.
Bettyjo ManeelyBettyjo Maneely
00:58 25 Jul 21
Had a great time. Awesome organization!
Jennifer ClementsJennifer Clements
04:20 24 Nov 20
I am blessed to be a part of such a wonderful mission. Being a nurse for 27 years I’ve learned that meeting people where they are and not where I think they should be can be a powerful motivator. LTP takes this idea to the streets and what a miracle it is to watch. As long as someone is breathing there is always hope.
Betty Jane VanceBetty Jane Vance
00:06 24 Nov 20
This wonderful ministry helps the forgotten homeless in our community and welcomes those of us who are more fortunate to contribute to their efforts. This is a win winsituation for all of us. Thank you Love Transformation Project and God Bless.
Samuel ForeeSamuel Foree
17:57 23 Nov 20
I have been a board member with LTP since January of 2019 and I absolutely love what this local nonprofit’s mission is about! “Cultivate a New Culture.” Now, more than ever do we all need to show a little love to each other and with the help of this 501c3, we can accomplish this!

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